Frank Powell

Dr. Frank Powell
Department of Medicine
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, 92093-0623
United States of America

Mailing Address:
Department of Medicine
University of California, San Diego
mail code 0623
-92093-0623 La Jolla

Phone: +1 858-534-4191
Fax: +1 858-534-4812
E-mail: fpowell(at)
Personal URL: link

Key Publications of Frank Powell (up to ten) :
Luks, A.M., H. van Melick, R.R. Batarse, F.L. Powell, I. Grant and J.B. West. Room oxygen enrichment improves sleep and subsequent day-time performance at high altitude. Respir. Physiol. 113: 247-258 1998.

Powell, F.L. Functional genomics and comparative physiology of hypoxia. Ann. Rev. Physiol. 65: 203-230, 2003.

Hupperets, M.D.W., S.R. Hopkins, M.G. Pronk, I.J.H. Tiemessen, N Garcia, P.D. Wagner and F.L. Powell. Increased hypoxic ventilatory response during 8 weeks at 3,800m altitude. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 142: 145-152, 2004.

Powell, F.L. and P.B. Bickler. High Altitude. In: Pharmacology and Pathophysiology of the Control of Breathing. Edited by D.S. Ward, A. Dahan and L. Teppema, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. In, Press, 2005.

Weigle, D.S., A. Buben, C.C. Burke, N.D. Carroll, B.M. Cook, B.S. Davis, G Dubowitz, R.E. Fisher, T.C. Freeman, S.M. Gibbons, H.A. Hansen, K. A. Heys, B. Hopkins, B.L. Jordan, K.L. McElwain, F.L. Powell, K.E. Reinhart, C.D. Robbins, C.C. Summers, J.D. Walker, S.S. Weber,and C.J. Weinheimer. Adaptation to altitude as a vehicle for experiential learning of physiology by university undergraduate. Adv. Physiol. Edu. 31:270-8, 2007.

Powell, F.L. and S.R. Hopkins. Vertebrate life at high altitude. In: Respiratory Physiology of Vertebrates: Life with and without Oxygen. Edited by G.E. Nilsson, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. 2010 pgs 265-299.

Powell, F.L. Studying biological responses to global change in atmospheric oxygen: Experimental approaches to respiratory paleophysiology. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol 173S: S6-S12, 2010; doi:10,1016/j.resp.2010.04.004

Expertise of Frank Powell:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic BiosphereAnimals

Specialties of Frank Powell:
My research focuses on hypoxia, especially respiratory physiology and neurobiology. From 1995 to 2012, I directed the University of California White Mountain Research Station, which hosts all forms of environmental and high altitude research, and which I used to study acclimatization to hypoxia in humans at high altitude.

Last update: 5/18/13
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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