Patrick Gonzalez

Dr. Patrick Gonzalez
Associate Adjunct Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
United States of America

E-mail: patrickgonzalez(at)
URL Institution:
Personal URL: link

Additional functions:
lead author, contributing author - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Key Publications of Patrick Gonzalez (up to ten) :
Eigenbrod, F., P. Gonzalez, J. Dash, and I. Steyl. 2015. Vulnerability of ecosystems to climate change moderated by habitat intactness. Global Change Biology 21: 275-286.
Gonzalez, P., B. Kroll, and C.R. Vargas. 2014. Tropical rainforest biodiversity and aboveground carbon changes and uncertainties in the Selva Central, Peru. Forest Ecology and Management 312: 78-91.
Grimm, N.B., F.S. Chapin, B. Bierwagen, P. Gonzalez, P.M. Groffman, Y. Luo, F. Melton, K. Nadelhoffer, A. Pairis, P.A. Raymond, J. Schimel, and C.E. Williamson. 2013. The impacts of climate change on ecosystem structure and function. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11: 474-482.
Haugo, R.D., S.A. Hall, E.M. Gray, P. Gonzalez, and J.D. Bakker. 2010. Influences of climate, fire, grazing, and logging on woody species composition along an elevation gradient in the eastern Cascades, Washington. Forest Ecology and Management 260: 2204-2213.
Gonzalez, P., R.P. Neilson, J.M. Lenihan, and R.J. Drapek. 2010. Global patterns in the vulnerability of ecosystems to vegetation shifts due to climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 755-768.
Gonzalez, P., G.P. Asner, J.J. Battles, M.A. Lefsky, K.M. Waring, and M. Palace. 2010. Forest carbon densities and uncertainties from Lidar, QuickBird, and field measurements in California. Remote Sensing of Environment 114: 1561-1575.
Allen, C.D., A.K. Macalady, H. Chenchouni, D. Bachelet, N. McDowell, M. Vennetier, T. Kitzberger, A. Rigling, D.D. Breshears, E.H. Hogg, P. Gonzalez, R. Fensham, Z. Zhang, J. Castro, N. Demidova, J.H. Lim, G. Allard, S.W. Running, A. Semerci, and N. Cobb. 2010. A global overview of drought and heat-induced forest mortality reveals emerging climate change risks. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 660-684.
Richardson, D.M., J.J. Hellmann, J.S. McLachlan, D.F. Sax, M.W. Schwartz, P. Gonzalez, E.J. Brennan, A. Camacho, T.L. Root, O.E. Sala, S.H. Schneider, D.M. Ashe, J.R. Clark, R. Early, J.R. Etterson, E.D. Fielder, J.L. Gill, B.A. Minteer, S. Polasky, H.D. Safford, A.R. Thompson, and M. Vellend. 2009. Multidimensional evaluation of managed relocation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106: 9721-9724.

Expertise of Patrick Gonzalez:
Expertise CategorySpecific Expertise
Expert TypeScientific / Fundamental Research
Topic BiospherePlants
Topic EcosystemsTerrestrial Ecosystems

Specialties of Patrick Gonzalez:
Forest ecology, climate change impacts and vulnerability, adaptation of natural resource management, quantification of ecosystem carbon

Last update: 3/5/19
Source of data: ProClim- Research InfoSystem (1993-2024)
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